Is Tidy Storage Life-Changing?
Getting rid of clutter in your life can make a huge difference. Reassessing your storage solutions is a great way to bring tranquility into your everyday life. There’s no question that removing unnecessary blockades can increase productivity, but it can also improve your space. What are the steps? We all want to create the zen flow that Marie Kondo talks about in her bestselling book about cleaning.
If you live in Oceanside, San Diego, or Vista California, you will have little use for heavy coats or winter wear. Many people find it useful to stow away a few items as the seasons change. Umbrellas, gloves, and light coats can be tucked away. Bring out those bathing suits and beach umbrellas. A great suggestion is to have a set of plastic bins that your family uses to swap out their seasonal items and drives over to the self-storage unit a few times a year. You will love the extra space in your closet and therefore will help keep you looking fabulous.
Make Piles
To harness the magic of Kondo’s advice, start by making piles of like items. If you try to clean each room one at a time, you’ll find yourself wishing you can had just pulled all those like items together send off to the storage unit together.
Decide What Goes to Storage and What Gets Donated
Producing waste adds to the problem. In addition, if you can donate your usable items to a thrift store, it is all the more satisfying. An easy choice is to donate items that you have more than one of because you really don’t need that extra set. Items for storage can be appliances you don’t use anymore. Don’t keep seasonal items around all year since they will just get in the way of all your extra space.
Don’t be Precious
It may have emotional value to you, but maybe it doesn’t has actual value. Rather than keeping beautiful items in your closet, showcase them in an unusual way. Kondo’s solution is to incorporate beautiful items into your everyday routines. Wrapping items in tissue paper and storing them in a gift box is especially a good way to run out of storage space.
Shop Your Closet
There are items in there that you loved for some reason at some time. Rediscover them and get rid of everything that you don’t love. Most of all, rotating seasonal items is a great way to keep your closet free of unnecessary things.
To conclude, come see us at Taylor Self Storage to see what we can do for your storage needs!
Tags: Storage